Rubanga Forest

Found in Lake Mburo National Park, Rubanga Forest has acacia trees, fig trees, markhamia and platycaluza among others. It has great scenery, diverse wildlife and fresh air. It is a perfect place to do an easy jog in the morning. However, most tourists especially bird lovers prefer to just sit back and dwell in its presence all day. Others come for nature walks so as to get dazzled by nature.

In addition to being shaded by tree canopy that block direct sun light, the Rubanga Forest has roughly 40 bird species of the 350 recorded in Lake Mburo. Common sightings include Bare-faced go-away bird, Black bellied bustard, Coqui francolin, Double toothed barbet, Emerald spotted wood done, Green hood hoopoe, Grey backed cameroptera, Nubian woodpecker Red headed lover bird, Ross’s turaco, Red shouldered cuckoo shrike.