Mount Mikeno

Mount Mikeno is Virunga's second highest volcano at 4437 meters above sea level. Mount Mikeno promises the toughest climbing challenge of all the mountains in the region. This partly because its trail is steep and hasn’t been well developed for tourism. It is a virgin territory that has undergone very minimal disturbances from man. That is why it is a favorite among nature lovers who desire for the raw feel of adventure. If lady luck sides with you, you might find one of the gorilla families to which it is home—while hiking up. 

The hike starts off innocently with mildly slopping grasslands. Before you know it, this starts to quickly change to a steep jungle that thins to a forest of oddly shaped ragged trees. Along the way, you will find makeshift stairs built from firm logs. One of the most fun parts of the adventure is when fog suddenly rolls in to tease you will its rejuvenating freshness. During this time- you can’t see anything as it is too thick. Fortunately, it happens so fast thereby allowing you to proceed.